Interview questions
How long have you worked for sodexu?
What do you so at sodexo?
Would you eat any sodexo products?
Are all products delivered by sodexo?
Are any products organic that you are aware of?
 Are any of the products fresh?
How many products are delivered frozen?
Would you consider the food you sodexo produces healthy?
Dose sodexo by products from other companies?
What brand meat products do they use?

Research question
Is it possible for a rowan student to eat organic and stay on budget?
 Can rowan students get organic foods at rowan?
 Dose rowan offer any organic chooses?
 Is rowan providing a healthy organic like style for students?
Do any collage cafeterias offer organic meals? 
All of these questions relate. It relates to weather it
is possible for a college student to eat organically. Sodexu is a big company
that provides food for many campuses and if they do not provide organic how is
it possible for a student to be organic. If there are no organic options in
school the school is making it impossible for a student to decide to be organic.
Unless that student decides not to have a meal plan with the school. 

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