They really made me think about what I eat and were it comes from I know there are many different kinds of farms but I never really thought about where my food is grown at the grocery store. At in Pollan’s article the one farmer 129 eaters that is crazy to think about one farmer feeds that many   people and in that section it says no eater really knows were there steak or soda comes from which is so true. Soda comes from a factory and steak comes from a farm but what kind of farm most likely a farm much like the farm on food inc which makes me not want to buy or eat steak anymore. My mom gets all of our meet from a butcher and she was actually allowed to go to the farm were they raised the animals we will be eating I could not bring myself to go if I did I would probably not eat meat. I really like Berry’s 7 steps of informing yourself; grow your own food if possible, prepare your own food, learn origins of the food you buy, deal directly with local farmers, learn what is involved with best farming and gardening, and learn history of food species.  Whenever I have a chance I go to our local farmers market not only is it cheaper it
tastes so much better the only problem if you do not go first thing in the
morning they may not have what you want they only have so much. They really made
me think about my food before I eat I am going to try to go over were the
products I am about to eat came from. It made you relive how little we are
informed and educated about the products we eat. This is scary.

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